每月焦點 (2022年8月)

每月焦點 (2022年8月)

  每月焦點 2022年7月 >>

20220811 EA Prize Presentation and Training

To celebrate the dedication of the English Ambassadors, the English Panel organised the annual prize presentation ceremony on 11 August. During the event, our Principal, Ms Cheung presented the awards to the Chairperson and Vice-chairpersons leading the English Ambassadors in 2021-2022. Apart from that, a gift was presented to the creator of the best video on social issues and the author of the best movie review. Ms Cheung also encouraged the Ambassadors to take up an active role in communicating with their peers in English.

After the ceremony, the Ambassadors received training from their leaders in the coming year. During the training, the Ambassadors became familiar with the tasks they would take up. The English Panel hopes that all English Ambassadors can have a fruitful journey ahead.

List of awardees (2021-22):

5D Adeline Chan

5B Gabrielle Wong
5B Boots Yee
5D Benny Ho

Team Leaders:
5A Jasmine Lau
5C April Fan
5D Icy Luk
5D Crystal Wong

Best Video on Social Issues:
4C Maisy Cheng

Best Movie Review:
2B Hurricane Mak

20220810 End of School Year Service

In the End of School Year Service, we review this academic year and celebrate the efforts and achievements made by our students. We encourage our students to unleash their potential in various areas. Thankfully, they have made outstanding performances in intellectual, aesthetic and physical development. Their achievements indeed serve as motivation for the schoolmates.

20220809 Prefect Training

To cultivate the teamwork within the Prefect team, the Discipline Committee organised the annual prefect training on 9 August for the prefects in the coming year. During the training, the prefects had to accomplish different group tasks. Through taking part in this workshop, they have been more skilful in communicating with their peers and being a good team player.

20220808 “Big Brothers and Sisters Scheme” Training

We are grateful to have a group of enthusiastic students who are willing to serve the new F1 students. They all have a loving heart, and they are equipped with the skills to communicate more effectively and get along well with the new students through the training.

20220806 F1 Parents’ Day

We welcome not only the new F1 students, but also their parents. Through communication and cooperation with the parents, we hope to build a trustful relationship to nurture their children together. Yes, we are a team in their development!

20220805 Hackathon@Ocean Park

Some F.4 students participated in the “Hackathoon@Ocean Park”, which was organized by the Swift Coding Club. Our students used their coding skills to design and deploy apps in iPad. The apps were mainly related to the idea of ecological conservation. We are honoured to be awarded several encouraging prizes in the activity!

2022080304 Staff Development Day—Farewell and Thanks

Towards the end of an academic year, we teachers say farewell to our colleagues who are going to retire or move on to a new career path. We also thank you for those who have been serving the school for years. We hope our gratitude can stay in their hearts!

20220801 F3 Financial Management Workshop

Students should learn financial management as early as possible so that they can have the knowledge to manage their daily life. In this workshop, they can learn how to plan for the future, avoid financial traps and keep a quality of life. These life skills are essential and practical.

  每月焦點 2022年7月 >>