每月焦點 (2023年6月)

每月焦點 (2023年6月)

<<2023年7月 每月焦點 2023年5月 >>

20230629 Student Union Consultation

We’re pleased that two Student Union cabinets Anchors and Igniters are willing to represent and serve their schoolmates. In the consultation, they present their vision and mission and answer schoolmates’ queries.

20230629 Religious Sharing

A Christian music group is invited to our school to share with students and spread the gospel. Through their music and sharing, our students are inspired to think about their life meaning and direction.

20230629-0709 History Tour to Germany and Poland

From 29 Jun to 9 July, the History Panel organised a history and culture tour to Germany and Poland for F4 History students. To equip them with better understanding of the two world wars and the livelihood of Europeans at that time, students visited different important historical cities such as Berlin, Warsaw and Munich. Through the visit to different important historical sites such as the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, students reflect profoundly on the value of studying history and the importance of learning from history.

20230624 Alumni Sharing Day

The Alumni Sharing Day, which is held by the Alumni Association, serves as a platform for both our alumni and students to connect with each other. In the sharing, our alumni from various faculties of different tertiary institutions share with F5 students their experiences in subject selection, university life, and strategies for preparing for DSE. Our students are interested in the sharing and are eager to find out more. With more information and interaction, we hope F5 students can find their direction and plan their future.

20230623 Graduation Ceremony

The Graduation Ceremony is an event not only to say farewells, but also to witness the growth of all the graduates. With the blessings from their families, the church, guests, principal and all the teachers, we wish the graduates every success in their future. May the wisdom and support they have gained all these years be with them in their life path.

20230613 Graduation Dinner

It’s never easy to say goodbye, but we teachers and F6 graduates take this valuable opportunity to enjoy a splendid graduation dinner together. With performances, games and sharing, we all share the joy of this event. It’s the sense of belonging to STMC, the care, love and support we feel at STMC that make our memories special!

20230607 Staff Development Day: Visit to HK News Expo & Social Enterprise Restaurant

The Staff Development Team is eager to arrange a wide range of activities and workshops for teachers to explore the world more, holding a belief that the growth of teachers can contribute to the growth of students as well.

Taking the opportunity of Staff Development Day, we teachers visit the Hong Kong News Expo, which is a revitalized heritage building. It has been transformed into an education facility, where we can learn more about the evolution of Hong Kong’s new media and the importance of free flow of information.

Following the visit, we go to a social enterprise restaurant to learn more about its mission and operation.

20230606 English Prize Presentation Ceremony

Every year, the English Panel provides students with opportunities to join not only inter-class competitions, but also inter-school competitions. Here comes the prize presentation to celebrate the great effort and outstanding performance our students have put forth in these competitions. The inter-class competitions are concerned with writing, video-making and debating while the inter-school ones include Harvard Book Prize, Filmit, HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest and Hong Kong Speech Festival.

20230601 Morning Assembly: Principal’s Sharing

Principal Cheung shares with us her experience in the training course which took place in Boston during Easter holidays. This training course, targeted at leaders from the education field, has given an insight into different teaching and learning modes. Our Principal shares with us her reflections on the training and the importance of life-long learning. She has also invited a student Ranita Leung to share with us some effective ways of her learning.

<<2023年7月 每月焦點 2023年5月 >>