每月焦點 (2024年3月)

每月焦點 (2024年3月)

  每月焦點 2024年2月 >>

20240321 Alumni’s Sharing on Entrepreneurial Pathways

We are delighted to have invited our alumni Anthony Fung and Kenny Huang to share their entrepreneurial pathways from gaining insights from university to their start-ups. Kenny is a co-founder of companies related to environment protection while Anthony is a co-founder of a digital marketing company. Anthony is also a co-founder of Grief Me Light, a non-governmental organization which provides support programmes for relieving psychological grievances of the needy. We feel proud of them for their contribution to society.

20240320 Talk by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

As our students show interest in courses in the medical field, PolyU is invited to conduct a talk so that students can learn more about various professions such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

20240319 Visit to Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong

Our Careers Committee has arranged a visit to Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong for students to learn more about evolving mobile technologies and related careers. With more exposure to various career fields, we hope students can be inspired to think more for the future.

20240319 F3 Prospect Talk

To ensure students to have enough understanding of different senior-form subject choices, there is a talk for the subject teachers to give them more information of their subjects’ syllabus and requirements so that students can make wise informed choice for their studies.

20240318 F5 Prospect Talk

To expose F5 students to different options for further studies, Hau Yau Club and an overseas education centre are invited to provide up-to-date information.

20240316 Inter-school Board Games Contest and BBQ

The Inter-school Board Games Contest for primary school students, co-organized by Community Youth Club (CYC) and our school, has been held successfully. We are pleased to see these students’ enjoyment in playing the games and the eagerness to win. Following the contest, our school holds a BBQ event for the contestants, helpers and teachers for sharing and enjoying time together.

20240315 Subject Selection Talk for F3 Students

F3 students are reminded of the relationship between subject choices for senior forms, their further studies and future careers by Hok Yau Club. Students are inspired to research on their interested subjects and careers in order that they can set up a clear goal and plan for future.

20240314 F2 Competition on Presentation in Chinese

To provide a platform for students to learn and shine, various academic contests are held. In this contest, F2 students can learn to present their ideas skillfully in Chinese, building up their confidence in public speaking.

2024031213 Charity Show held by Student Union

Our Student Union proudly presents Charity Show involving students’ and teachers’ performances. The audience are thrilled to watch the show, enjoying the dancing, singing and drama. Not only can they enjoy the show, but they can also contribute to charity as the ticket fees they have paid will be donated to charity.

20240311 Chinese Debate Contest F3

Following the weekly assembly on Debate, there is a Chinese Debate Contest concerning the issues of Informational technology. Through the contest, students can learn to do research, apply critical thinking and practise public speaking skills.

20240308 Talk on Writing for Senior-form Students

We are honoured to have invited Mr Tsang (曾詠聰先生), a famous author, to share about his experiences in writing and some practical writing skills. Students are inspired to learn and write outside classrooms.

20240308 F5 Talk on Sex Education

While sex education seems to be a taboo, it is vital for educators to instill students with correct concepts so that students would not rely on some misinformation from unreliable sources. That is why a talk on sex education about love and marriage is held for F5 students to explore this issue seriously.

20240307 NSS Subjects Introduction Talk

F3 students are introduced to different subject combinations for their senior-form studies. How each subject is related to tertiary studies is also explained. With more understanding, students can plan further for their future and make informed decision.

20240307 Forum on Environmental Issues

In the forum, environmental issues including the use of fossil fuels and sustainable development are discussed. Our students are inspired to think more about their role in these issues by the speakers who actively voice out their concerns on international platforms.

2024030607 F5 English Debate Contest

In the contest, F5 students debate over the motion, “AI-powered homework assistance undermines the problem-solving skills of students”. Through debating training and contests, students are given an opportunity to research independently, think critically and speak tactfully. They have developed more awareness of social issues and built up more confidence in English.

20230304-05 Learning-across-Curriculum (LAC) Week

Thanks to a group of enthusiastic English ambassadors, they have designed and set up some game stalls for junior form students to understand the importance of active learning across curriculum while playing fun games.

20230301 Campus Tour to HKU and UST

To stimulate students to consider their further studies and future careers, some senior form students pay a visit to the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, where they can visit different faculties including Nursing, Science and Business & Management learning about their entry requirements and curricula.

  每月焦點 2024年2月 >>